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Unlocking the Mystery of Home Schooling High School


Laura and I have spend so many afternoons and evenings in deep conversation with other moms and their husbands. The topic: homeschooling high school! For many parents, it’s overwhelming to think about it. We reassure them that they can do it and, in fact, they are the perfect people to educate their teens. Okay, there are some changes in home education for high school–things like transcripts, grades, career planning, the college decision, and my nemesis, teaching kids to drive! All of this is possible! Laura and I sat down together for weeks to write this book. We tried to remember all the conversation, explanations, and encouragement that we have given in person so we could write it all down for you. We want you to homeschool high school with confidence, joy, and success.

Think of it as though we were unlocking the mystery and making teaching high school accessible to normal parents like you and us. We have graduated nine students between us now and can say with confidence: you can do it, too!


eBook is full color. Print book at Amazon has black and white pages.

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Are you thinking about Homeschooling High School?

The moment has arrived! Your teen is finally in high school! Yikes! Where has time gone? Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were teaching him to write his name? Now, it’s time to teach high school and you’re not quite sure what to do. It’s time to take those dreaded SATs, make transcripts, and prepare your teen for graduation. Can you do it?

Of course you can!

Relax! Here’s some help from two experienced homeschooling moms. You can have a peaceful, joy-filled, successful high school adventure! You can plan courses ahead and take advantage of spontaneous opportunities using the principles in this book. You can send your children to college debt-free–Unlocking the Mystery of Homeschooling High School will share how several young people did it! You can make your own transcripts with the step-by-step instructions in this book. Best of all, you can enjoy the high school journey at home!

Ready to homeschool high school yet? You can do this! Between the two of us we have graduated nine teenagers. One has her master’s degree and taught freshman English at UCF. Another works at Verizon after graduating with a degree in Accounting  and Systems Management. One works at AAA putting his marketing degree to work. One decided to go the apprenticeship route and is starting out in the warehouse, working in his dad’s business. Another works at Charisma magazine as a copy editor, podcaster, and website editor.

Some attended Stetson University, a private college nearby and some attended UCF on scholarship. They defended their faith, proclaimed Christ, and made excellent grades. They stayed plugged into their local church and enjoyed healthy relationships with their families. Has it been a smooth, easy road? No, not always. But, we have persevered through every obstacle and everyone in both families agree: Homeschooling High School was the BEST choice!

Our three youngest children are in college right now.

If you want to homeschool with confidence, then read this book and keep your eyes on Jesus. We can show you the practical stuff and He gives you His Word and Spirit to guide you day by day in the glorious adventure of homeschooling high school.

Here are the chapters in the book:

  • High School Classes
  • Credits
  • Plan to Educate
  • Creating Classes
  • Transcripts
  • Sample Transcripts
  • Making Transcripts
  • SAT Prep
  • Course Descriptions
  • College Application Process
  • The College Application Process
  • Going to College Debt-Free
  • Graduation


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