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Real Men 103: Leadership


Everyone complains about men needing to be better leaders in their home, church, and communities. But, does anyone teach young men how to lead?

We wanted to impart wisdom and skill into our son so he could grow up to lead well. But how do we do that?

Real Men 103: Leadership, a one-credit high school Bible/life skills course, addresses the why and the how in leadership, giving young men leadership opportunities to get their feet wet in various situations. With a desire to lead young men from success to success to success, Scripture passages, living books, and assignments are carefully chosen to cultivate Christian virtues and leadership patterns so they can lead in a way that honors Jesus Christ. This course doesn’t just cast vision, it gives guys a taste of leading in different situations so they can grow in confidence for the future.


eBook is in full color. The print book at Amazon has black and white pages.

Downloadable pdf file only.

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The world is crying out for men who will rise up and lead their homes, as well as lead at work, in church, and in the community.

But who will train these men to lead? Parents are called to train their sons, to raise them up to be strong leaders.

Real Men 103: Leadership was created to train up a young man, to teach your son to become a strong leader so that he can rise up in his generation to lead strong. Using Bible study, Scripture memorization, living books, and practical assignments inside a mentorship with Dad, Real Men 103: Leadership is a one-credit high school Bible/life skills course.

Okay, on to the practical. What happens in this course?

Your sons will…

  • Complete Real Men Build Bible Study
  • Memorize I Timothy 3:1-10
  • Meet with Dad Once a Week
  • Read Living Books
  • Write a Book Review or Book Assignment
  • Explore Careers
  • Listen to “DG: Secret to Success”
  • Plan & Lead a Group to Complete a Task
  • Plan & Host a Game Night
  • Plan & Lead an Event
  • Plan & Lead a Small Group Bible Study
  • Evaluate All Leadership Assignments (Leaders evaluate themselves so they can grow stronger)
  • Complete Bible Leaders Chart
  • Listen to “Don’t Be a Nimrod” FW Podcast
  • Listen to “Ready to Lead?” FW Podcast

Your sons will learn the following practical skills:

  • Put Gas in Car, Check Fluid Levels, Change Spark Plugs
  • Hang a Shelf, Organize Room, Clean Room, Clean Bathrooms, Clean house, including Dusting, Vacuuming, & Mopping
  • Patch holes in Drywall, Check & Change Batteries (including in smoke alarms), Changing a Broken Light Bulb
  • Hang a Picture, Unstop a drain, Unclog a Toilet, Change A/C Filters
  • Re-grout Tile, Refinish a Tabletop, Dresser, or Chair, Paint a Room or Piece of Furniture
  • Build Something with Wood (Bird Feeder, Stool, Coffee Table)
  • Mow the Lawn, Seed a Lawn, Mulch a Bed, Weed a Bed, Trim Trees & Bushes
  • Cook a Meal, Grill, Plan & Host a BBQ

Pastor Mike and Meredith use the Holy Bible and other living books to teach life skills and prepare their teenagers to be joyful and successful adults with healthy relationships. Originally designed for their children, and later for close friends and church members, this course and the entire series uses the mentoring style of teaching. Dads meet once a week for mentoring time with their sons. The goal of this course and the entire series is to prepare teens to live godly lives now and in the future when they are adults working, studying, enjoying marriage, and parenting their own children.

You will need to purchase, borrow, or download the following books:

  • The Measure of a Man by Gene Getz
  • The Mark of a Man by Elisabeth Elliot
  • Life@Work by John Maxwell
  • Developing the Leaders Within You by John Maxwell
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  • 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • Developing the Leaders Around You by John Maxwell
  • Failing Forward by John Maxwell


You can purchase the print version of Real Men 103: Leadership at


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