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God’s Girls Talk about Guys, Virtue, & Marriage Bible Study


What do girls love to talk about?

Boys! Wedding! Once upon a Time! Happily Ever After!

God has wisdom in His Word for these very topics. Dig into the Word of God with God’s Girls and discover truths that will allow you to walk in purity, enjoy wholesome friendships with guys, and prepare for a lifetime marriage. The Bible study covers guys, virtue, friendships, romance, sexual brokenness, weddings, and marriage. God’s Girls Talk about Guys, Virtue, & Marriage Bible Study explores the topics that trip young women up and helps them process their own convictions.


eBook is full color. Print Bible study at Amazon has black and white pages.

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​This book was written to inspire young women of all ages to stay pure for their TRUE Prince, JESUS, and to live by His Perfect Law that gives FREEDOM to all who trust in Him. Unabashedly conservative, this Bible study encourages young ladies to fathers and mothers.

Most of us God’s Girls are just romantics at heart. Yet there is so much more to these things than fairy tale dreams. God has real wisdom for us in His Word about relating to guys, preparing for marriage, and staying pure in a dirty world. With so many marriages ending in divorce and so many “Christian” singles indulging in premarital sex and sexual sin, what is the best way to honor Jesus and prepare for a Christ-honoring marriage?​

Each chapter in this Bible study covers truths that will transform your heart and life.

God’s Girls Talk about Guys, Virtue, & Marriage has 14 chapters:

  • God’s Love
  • Live for Jesus
  • God’s Blueprint for Purity & True Love
  • Boys: Potential Crush or Brothers in the Lord?
  • Humility & Dignity
  • Freedom from Sexual Brokenness
  • Married Until Death Do Us Part
  • Prepare for the Future
  • Purity
  • Wholesome Friendships
  • Wonderful Weddings
  • Dating Hollywood-Style
  • Purposeful Pathway Toward Marriage
  • Are There Any Godly Men Out There?


You can purchase the Print Version of God’s Girls Talk about Guys, Virtue, & Marriage at

Purchase the eBook right here—Scroll Up!  

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