Homeschooling since 1991, I have read many government textbooks! While many were excellent, they didn’t have everything I was looking for, so I wrote my own government textbook/unit study/notebook.
What I Want
I want my children …
- to understand how government, politics, and elections work in the United States and around the world
- to discover what the Bible has to say about authority/responsibility
- to see how all authority belongs to God and He is the One who delegates it
- to be interested in politics and current events; to pray powerful prayers that change history!
- to discuss government and politics with others, at least in our family
- to read classics on law and government
- to have fun doing it!
- to remember what they learn
- to learn about state visits, jury trials, the military, and national revival
It would be nice to work on a campaign, to read classic law and government books, and to have some fun hands-on learning experiences.

The Problem!
I couldn’t find what I wanted.
I found some great government textbooks, but they didn’t talk about the family, the individual, and the church.
I found many textbooks that were packed with great information, but were dry and frankly, a little boring.
The Solution
I decided write my own.
It will be a little like a unit study, a little like a textbook, and a little like a notebook. So I wrote Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda!

How Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda is Unique
- Text is written in conversational style like we were drinking coffee and talking
- Course is written with a Christian worldview from a Conservative perspective
- Amazing list of classic/modern living books to choose from each month
- Hands-on/Fun learning: plan & host a state dinner, role-play, help with a political campaign, visit a jury trial, act out a jury trial, plan a political campaign, design promotional media for a political campaign
- Current events worksheets and time to pray together about what’s going on in the world.
- 2 leaders/month highlighted to inspire my children to greatness
- Incredible list of optional videos, including a few cartoons
How Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda is Set Up
Class/Family time 3 or 4 times a month to discuss, watch a video, and enjoy hands-on learning
Independent work weekly
- Week 1: hero, current events, notebooking, start classic book
- Week 2: Government reading, Self-government (manners) reading, notebooking,
- Week 3: hero, current events, notebooking, finish classic book & fill in book report sheet
- Week 4: Government reading, Self-government (manners) reading, notebooking
Family Field Trips: Help with political campaign, jury trial, courthouse, etc.

Who Is This Book Written For?
This book is written for teens, preteens, families, homeschool co-ops. It’s set up so that younger siblings can join in for family time each week.
The living book suggestions contain books at different reading levels from middle school to high school. This is a 1-credit high school course, but it’s written clearly enough for a middle school student to enjoy the course and learn everything!
What Topics are Covered in Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda?
- The Source of Government
- Self-Government/Manners
- Jesus Christ
- Kinds of Government
- King Alfred
- Slavery
- Cicero
- Law is King
- State Visits & State Dinners
- The Story of Liberty
- Abolitionists
- William Wilberforce
- Story of Liberty in the USA
- William Bradford
- The USA Constitution
- The Executive Branch
- Legislative Branch
- Justice
- Judicial Branch
- USA Constitution II
- Diplomacy, Ambassadors, Spies
- George Washington
- State/Local/County Government
- Calvin Coolidge
- Immigration
- Elections
- Electoral College
- Political Campaign
- Ronald Reagan
- Resolving Conflict
- Military
- Winston Churchill
- How Do We Pay for Everything?
- Federal Reserve Bank
- Andrew Jackson
- Wise Counsel
- Robert Bork
- The Media
- Oliver Cromwell
- John Bunyan
- John Milton
- Daniel Defoe
- Leadership
- Education
- Noah Webster
- Horace Mann
- John Winthrop
- Judgment and Revival
- Billy Graham
How Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda Solved My Problem
Now, preteens and teens are not just learning about government, politics, and elections; they are being immersed in it.
Where Can I Purchase Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda?

Purchase Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda in print on Amazon
Purchase Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s AgendaE-book on PowerlineProd
Purchase Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s AgendaE-book on TeachersPayTeachers
Purchase Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s AgendaE-book on PayHip
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis