What’s so special about the Bible?
I’m glad you asked.
The Bible is a very unique book, containing 66 smaller books, written by over 40 different authors.
Common Theme
Though many different writers contributed, the Bible contains on common theme of God’s redemption of mankind: man sinned and rebelled against God; God sent His Son to ultimately die on a cross for the sins of mankind; and man must place genuine faith in Jesus, His Son, to obtain forgiveness and a right relationship with God, the Father.
Inspired by God
Part of the uniqueness of the Bible is its claim to be inspired by God. It contains hundreds of prophecies, many of which have been miraculously fulfilled and some have yet to be fulfilled. No other religious book can make this claim, because they do not contain prophecies.
Inspired by God
Part of the uniqueness of the Bible is its claim to be inspired by God. It contains hundreds of prophecies, many of which have been miraculously fulfilled and some have yet to be fulfilled. No other religious book can make this claim, because they do not contain prophecies.

Changes People’s Lives
No other book has affected people, and, therefore, history like the Bible.
The Bible doesn’t just inform people, it transforms them forever!
Its message of hope and love has transformed millions over the centuries. Many, at times hundreds or thousands, witnessed the miracles contained in its pages.
Historically Accurate & Up-To-Date
Its historical claims have been substantiated by archaeology time and again. No other book ever written comes close to its beauty, its majesty, its world-wide impact, its relatability to present-day life, its life-changing stories, and its wisdom in comparison.
The Bible is truly a one-of-a kind book, potentially challenging and changing any reader into a different person. Why? Because the true Author, God Himself, created each of us to have a relationship with Him, and the Bible shows us how.
Read it and you will never be the same!
For His Glory,
Pastor Mike Curtis
Here are some of the Bible courses we created to build a firm foundation on the Word of God in our children’s lives.