Does trusting God mean ignoring the cold hard facts or denying your emotions?
These Christian classics have stood the test of time. Christians have read and reread them over the past centuries and you will love them too!
There are certain movies that leave me inspired to be closer to Jesus. I love to watch a movie with my family that increases our faith in the goodness of God.
Would you like a 10-day plan for Family Devotions/Fun that will engage all ages and make your Holy Week/Easter celebration meaningful for the whole family?
Economics impacts us every day, but many of us feel intimidated by economics. I’m here to explain basic economic principles to you in an easy-to-understand way.
With our focus on romantic love in our culture, “When will I be loved?” is the cry of every heart in our culture. Everyone longs for their one true love, believing that romantic love will fill us with happiness forever. Then we marry someone who isn’t perfect, and we are still seeking to be loved…
I remember years ago as a mom with children ages 4 to 14. I was having a particularly frazzling day and the WWJD (What would Jesus do?) bracelets were really popular. I wondered in my heart if my High Priest Jesus could really understand how challenging it was to be a homeschool mom in that…