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Progeny Press Cricket In Times Square Study Guide Review

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Disclaimer- I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

I was delighted to read The Cricket in Times Square and use the Progeny Press The Cricket in Times Square Study Guide along with the book. As always I love reviewing study guides from Progeny Press. The books they provide study guides for our well-written living books worth reading. I’m committed to providing excellent literature for my children and grandchildren.

Purchasing the digital product was quick and easy. I was able to download right away. I love that it was available instantly! We just printed the pages we wanted to write on. Otherwise, we used the guide on my laptop for study time.

Now, let’s talk about what’s inside this handy-dandy literature guide.

You can see some of my favorite parts in the photo below: Synopsis, Table of Contents, and Optional Writing Assignment.

As a mom, you will appreciate the synopsis of the book. Sometimes, moms just can’t read every book her children do.

You can see the layout of the study guide from the Table of Contents in the above photo (okay–it’s small!). It starts with the synopsis, followed by info on the author and background information. Next is prereading activities followed by studying the book a few chapters at time.

Everything was simple. Directions were clear from the grammar and literary lessons to optional writing assignments.

We started with prereading activities. We listened to The Blue Danube Waltz (J. Strauss), A Mighty Fortress is Our God, and Rock of Ages. These are some of the pieces that Chester plays in the book.

Instead of making a simple Chinese dinner, we bought one! And tried to eat with chopsticks. I fail at that every time!

We also looked at photos of Chinatown, New York City, and the life cycle of a cricket. Some of these were post-reading activities, but we did them all at the beginning.

We started reading The Cricket in Times Square and stopped at the end of chapter four. Then we headed over to the study guide pages we printed out. We completed the vocabulary matching worksheet, adverb worksheet, and setting questions with no problem. We answered all the questions aloud including the Understanding and Dig Deeper. After we finished, we tacked the descriptive paragraph describing one of the rooms. It was a very fun assignment.

We continued this way through the book. Reading and doing the pages in the study guide.

Using a progeny press study guide is a full English course. It covers vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and writing. I was super-impressed!

All in all, we found the work easy to do, but challenging academically so that we really felt like we were learning a lot!

I really like Progeny Press. Their curriculum is educationally excellent and Christ-centered. What more could you ask?

Check out Progeny Press on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Read More Progeny Press Reviews

You can read more reviews from the Review Crew HERE about classic book study guides from Progeny Press.

Check Out TOS Homeschool Review Crew Blog!

I also want to encourage you to check out The Old Schoolhouse’s Review Crew Blog. You can read reviews on all kinds of homeschooling products for all ages.

Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!


Meredith Curtis

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