Who can understand the heart of a homeschool mom on a quest for curriculum and living books?
We all want to save money on curriculum! Yet, we want to give the best to our children. You can do both!
Curriculum can have a big impact on how well you and your children enjoy homeschooling and how easy it is to learn. Curriculum can also be a big investment…
I talk to so many mothers who feel discouraged and weary. They long to be perfect mothers and often believe lies about themselves, their children, and their ability to parent.
Do you realize that we are living through a time that will be written about in history books? This is an awesome to use this time to have some out-of-the…
I glanced around at the homeschool history co-op feast! It was all kinds of food from the 1940s with Sloppy Joes, Victory Garden Salad, Jell-O Salad, Tuna Noodle Casserole, and…
Creation Week in Genesis 1-2 is the history of how the world began! It’s also a fun time in history to study with children. They love to learn how God…
I pass on my old friends, these tattered books that have seen better days because I have read them so many times.
Every time we study the Middle Ages we build a castle of cardboard boxes, practice archery, spend a day at a “monastery”, and host a Medieval Feast for all our…
One thing that I love is watching animals enjoy life in their natural habitats or close-to-natural habitat. If you can’t visit the zoo, you can virtually visit animals online.