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I love books.
I have invested money and gobs of time curled up to read a good book.
As a young Mom, the Lord used several books on motherhood to inspire me and reveal His plans in Scripture to mother my children. Several of these books changed my life! They encouraged me to stay the course when times were hard. They refreshed my soul when I felt overwhelmed and gave me practical wisdom that I so desperately needed. The authors felt like friends, older Titus 2 women who were investing in my life.

Now, looking back over the years with sadness that my children are all adults, I find myself being asked for advice. I share things on my heart and then…
Well, I pass on my old friends, these tattered books that have seen better days because I have read them so many times.
I give these books as gifts.
And now I pass them on to you, dear friends. Here are my very favorite books on Motherhood.

A Mother’s Touch by Elise Ardnt
Reading A Mother’s Touch by Elise Ardnt was like making a new friend with an older Mom who was kind, supportive, and inspiring. I loved this book as a young mom and reread it several times in my journey of motherhood. I loved the practical wisdom and eternal perspective. Let’s face it! Mothering little lambs is not easy, but so essential for both Mom and babies. This book was my encouragement to stay the course for years and years without wavering and shaped my commitment to being a stay-at-home mom.
Mothers at the Heart of Life by Sheree Phillips
Reading Mothers at the Heart of Life by Sheree Phillips was like sitting in a home Bible study for Moms with a beautiful sweet leader who heard from the Lord and passed it on to my hungry heart. Sheree providing inspiration and encouragement, along with practical wisdom in my early years of motherhood. Love this book!
Heart & Home: A Reaffirmation of Traditional Motherhood by Debra Evans
I read Heart & Home: A Reaffirmation of Traditional Motherhood by Debra Evans when I was a young mom and it met me in the deepest places of my heart. Not only did it reaffirm the call I felt from God toward my little baby, but it gave me stoutheartedness to stay the course no matter what. At the same time, the gentleness of the author touched my heart and I remember wishing I could meet her in person and watch her mother her children.
Sally Clarkson’s Motherhood Books
Sally Clarkson is one of my favorite authors. I discovered her when I read a book on homeschooling she wrote with her husband Clay, Homeschooling the Wholehearted Child. I love her books on motherhood, family, and homeschooling.
All of her books are Christ-centered and encouraging. They point us to Jesus and to His beautiful ways of loving those important people in our lives. Though she tackles the practical, she inspires us to keep our eyes on the eternal and give our time and energy to deposit life in our beloveds. Her books will change your life!
- Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
- The Mom Walk by Sally Clarkson
- The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
- Seasons of a Mother’s Heart by Sally Clarkson
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp is my favorite book on parenting ever!
I recommend reading this book once a year as long as you are in the trenches of parenting. It is refreshing, inspirational, encouraging, and full of practical wisdom on how to train children to grow up to love Jesus and walk in His ways. This book answered my prayer, “Lord please give me wisdom to parent.”
Years later, my son-in-law read this book and loved it, too! He shared so much insight and wisdom to everyone who would listen—passing on what he gleaned from the book. I was re-inspired and reminded of the beautiful, perfect ways of God, revealed in Scripture. We have a training manual for childrearing.
Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd & Mary Tripp
Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd & Mary Tripp is another great book from the Tripp family on raising children—this one focused on worldview and how to impart a biblical worldview and parent from a biblical framework. So appreciate this family!
Raising Kids Who Hunger for God by Benny & Sheree Phillips
I love this book! Raising Kids Who Hunger for God by Benny & Sheree Phillips along with Shepherding a Child’s Heart, helped me so much in my parenting adventure. There is so much practical wisdom in this book on teaching children to show respect, embrace responsibility, and respond to the Lord. As a parent, this book encouraged me to discipline effectively, call my children to Jesus, and motivate children to make good decisions.
Becoming Mom Strong by Heidi St. John
To raise godly children in this day and age is a scary task. We must be strong in the Lord and know what we believe so we can pass it on to our sons and daughters. Becoming Mom Strong by Heidi St. John challenges and inspires at the same time. You will finish with a mandate and the confidence to walk it out!
The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell
The Five Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively by Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell is so helpful because we all filled loved by different things and ways of communication, even if we are raised in the same household. When we pour out love to our children and they still don’t feel loved, it’s time to apply the principles in this book!
Romancing Your Child’s Heart by Monty Swan
Dad Monty Swan challenges Moms and Dads to look at how God romances our hearts and challenges us to romance the heart of children. I read Romancing Your Child’s Heart by Monty Swan for the first time when all my children were older and it was a needed boost and encouragement to love my child according to their needs, winning their hearts to Jesus in imitation of Him.
Using Living Books to Prepare Your Daughters to be Mothers

When I made a plan to prepare my own daughters for motherhood, I included these books for my God’s Girls 104: Motherhood one-credit high school course. They loved the books, too.
My oldest daughter is now a mother of two boys and a baby girl. I love to watch her with her children. I see her living out so many principles in these living books that she read so long ago during her high school years.
If you want to grow as a Mom, I highly recommend the books I’ve shared. If you want to teach your daughters about motherhood, I also highly recommend these books. You can also use my course God’s Girls 104: Motherhood as a tool. It is a one-credit high school life skills course. My girls all loved it and it’s finally been prepared to share with other families.
You can learn more about God’s Girls 104: Motherhood here and purchase the print book at Amazon with the E-books available at PayHip and TeachersPayTeachers.
God bless you in your quest to grow as mothers and train your daughters to be mothers one day. Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day!
Meredith Curtis