Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Treasure, ancient artifacts, and a mystery that needs solving is the perfect plot for young adult readers in Quest for the King’s Crown by Robert Vernon from Focus on the Family. Mike, Winnie, Spence, and Ben make up the club, The Last Chance Detectives and no case is too difficult for these young people.
The Last Chance Detective series, a favorite with my children, has been updated just in time for my grandchildren to enjoy it. Quest for the King’s Crown is the 7th book in the series.
Our Experience with Quest for the King’s Crown
What We Liked about Quest for the King’s Crown

How Quest for the King’s Crown fits into a Homeschool Day
Who Will Enjoy Quest for the King’s Crown
More about Focus on the Family & Tyndale House Publishers
This series from Focus on the Family is published by Tyndale House Publishers. Focus on the Family has been around since 1976 ministering to families that take their faith seriously and want to raise children who serve the Lord.

Tyndale Publishing publishes Imagination Station books and Odyssey audios along with many other Christian authors and publications.
You can learn more about Tyndale House Publishers on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Read or Listen to More Reviews about Quest for the King’s Crown
You can learn more and read more reviews about Quest for the King’s Crown from the Review Crew HERE.

Check Out TOS Homeschool Review Crew Blog
I also want to encourage you to check out The Old Schoolhouse’s Review Crew Blog. You can read reviews on all kinds of homeschooling products for all ages.
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis