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Introduce your children to super-heroes that are better than Marvel super-heroes! Church history will come alive with these biographies for Christian teens and kids.
With Reformation Day coming up soon, I’ll start with some biographies of Martin Luther and move on to more! I hope these books will whet your appetite to dig deeply into our Christian heritage!

When Lightening Struck! The Story of Martin Luther
Your preteens and teens (and adults, too) will love this biography of Martin Luther by homeschool mom and publisher Danika Cooley: When Lightening Struck! The Story of Martin Luther.
With an engaging writing style, Danika introduces us to the man who turned Europe upside-down when he nailed the 95 Theses to the Whittenburg Door. Careful with theology, we also learn what Martin Luther believed. Purchase When Lightening Struck! The Story of Martin Luther at Amazon.

Martin Luther: Reformation Fire
We have enjoyed the Trailblazer series for years. Martin Luther has an amazing testimony of how God used him to bring the Church back to Sola Scriptura, or Scripture Alone, and Justification by Faith. These amazing truths had become buried and men like John Wycliffe and John Huss uncovered them, proclaiming them in their generation. Martin Luther was inspired by these writings and the Word of God itself to take a bold stand!
Martin Luther: Reformation Fire by Catherine Mackenzie is a readable, enjoyable book for children. Purchase at Amazon.

Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World
Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World by Eric Metaxes is a fresh look at Martin Luther. Written for adults, older teens will enjoy it, too! While there are more accurate biographies, his warm personal style brings Luther alive to today’s readers.
Purchase Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World at Amazon.

David Livingstone: Missionary, Physician, Explorer
David Livingstone: Missionary, Physician, Explorer by Sam Wellman brings the amazing Dr. Livingstone to life! During his 32 years in deepest Africa he walked, crawled, climbed, waded, canoed and rode 40,000 miles. He took notes and made maps every inch of the way. He doctored the sick. He opposed the slave trade. He told every African he saw the good news about Jesus Christ.
Purchase David Livingstone: Missionary, Physician, Explorer by Sam Wellman at Amazon.

Lightkeeper Ten Boys Complete Box Set
You will not even believe the amazing men’s biographies in this set! From ancient times to modern, the godly Christian heroes pursued Jesus and changed the world! Learn about the following men in this 5-book boxed set:
- Polycarp
- Alban
- Augustine
- Sir John Oldcastle
- John Huss
- Thomas Cranmer
- John Knox
- Ulrich Zwingli
- William Tyndale
- John Calvin
- Hugh Latimer
- John Wishart
- Thomas Chalmers
- Lord Shaftsbury
- James Chalmers
- Samuel Rutherford
- John Bunyan
- John Newton
- Wilfred Grenfell
- J.S. Bach
- James Clerk Maxwell
- Samuel Morse
- George Washington Carver
- John Owen
- Jonathan Edwards
- George Whitfield
- Charles Spurgeon
- William Carey
- David Livingstone
- Martin Lloyd-Jones
- Robert Murray McCheyne
- D. L. Moody
- Billy Sunday
- A.W. Tozer
- George Muller
- Adonirum Judson
- Eric Liddell
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Nate Saint
- Paul Brand
- Ghillean Prance
- C.S. Lewis
- C.T. Studd
- Ivan Moiseyev
- Graham Staines
- Brother Andrew
- Nicky Cruz
- Billy Graham
- Luis Palau
You can purchase Lightkeepers Ten Boys Complete Box Set by Irene Howat at Amazon.

Lightkeeper Ten Girls Complete Box Set
Just as wonderful as the boys set, now’s your chance to meet amazing women who changed the world for the glory of God! Meet 50 godly ladies including:
- Susannah Wesley
- Katharine Luther
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Patricia St. John
- Mary Slessor
- Corrie ten Boom
- Amy Carmichael
- Catherine Booth
Purchase Lightkeepers Ten Girls Complete Box Set by Irene Howat at Amazon.

C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller
C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller by Janet and Geoff Benge introduces us to a man who grew up loving to listen to and tell his own stories. He was an academic who was radically saved during his years as a professor! God used him to defend the faith (God in the Dock) and tell stories (The Chronicles of Narnia).
Purchase C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller by Janet and Geoff Benge at Amazon.

I wrote a review of C.S. Lewis Master Storyteller that you can read HERE!

Christian Heroes Then & Now
C.S. Lewis: Master Storyteller by Janet and Geoff Benge is part of a series called Christian Heroes Then & Now with 48 amazing titles. Introduce your children and teens to this wonderful series of Christian men and women who gave their ALL for the Lord!
Purchase Christian Heroes Then & Now at Amazon.

Peril & Peace Vol I Chronicles of Ancient Church History
I purchased this book first (it’s part of a series) for my oldest daughter to learn about Early Church heroes. She loved it. I read it and loved it, too! Written in story form, they cover the first 500 years of Christianity and introduce some almost-forgotten Christian Heroes!
Purchase Peril and Peace Volume 1: Chronicles of the Ancient Church History Lives by Mindy and Brandon Withrow at Amazon.

History Lives Chronicles of Church History Set
Peril and Peace Volume 1: Chronicles of the Ancient Church History Lives by Mindy and Brandon Withrow is the first in the a series of 5 books: History Lives: Chronicles of the Church Box Set. The other 4 titles are:
- Monks and Mystics: Chronicles of the Medieval Church (History Lives series)
- Courage and Conviction: Chronicles of the Reformation Church (History Lives series)
- Hearts and Hands: Chronicles of the Awakening Church (History Lives series)
- Rescue and Redeem: Chronicles of the Modern Church (History Lives series)
Purchase History Lives: Chronicles of the Church Box Set at Amazon.

I hope these biographies are as much a blessing to you as they have been to me. We truly have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on!
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB)
May the lives of our brothers and sisters who have gone on before us inspire us to draw closer to Jesus!
Celebrate Our Christian Heroes
We want to pass down our Christian heritage to our children. We love to tell their stories to the next generation by reading aloud biographies, watching movies, or throwing a Heroes for Jesus Party.
You can host your own Heroes for Jesus Party with easy instructions from Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes where you can discover how our family celebrates Christian heroes, some great ideas for Halloween alternatives, and why children and teens need super-heroes.
Finally, we include autumn recipes to serve during or after the party. Enjoy! Purchase Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes eBook at PowerlineProd. Purchase Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes in print at Amazon.
These biographies just introduce you to a few of the Super-Heroes God has used to change the world. God has a plan for you, too, and your family! Inspire them with Christian heroes!

Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis