Welcome to our new blog. Yes, it looks different from our old blog.
We want to help you navigate your way around.
Whether you are on a post or on the main page, you can find your way to other places on the blog.
You will find Categories on the right side of the page. Feel free to click on any category that interests you. You will find blogs on that topic with one simple click!
If you scroll down, you will see a place to search for posts or topics you are looking for.
Our blog archives are below the search bar. You can find these blogs by month.

Contact Us
If you have any trouble finding what you need, please contact us. We are happy to help!
Email: Meredith@powerlineprod.com
Email: Laura@powerlineprod.com
We hope your visits with us will be refreshing and delightful. Be blessed in every way!
Meredith Curtis