When I was in middle school, one of my favorite songs was “When Will I Be Loved?” by Linda Rondstandt.
With our focus on romantic love in our culture, “When will I be loved?” is the cry of every heart in our culture. Everyone longs for their one true love, believing that romantic love will fill us with happiness forever. Then we marry someone who isn’t perfect, and we are still seeking to be loved and appreciated.

Still our hearts cry out for love that is perfect from somewhere.
Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
If only our parents had loved us more. If only we had better friends. If only we had a boyfriend or girlfriend. If only our children appreciated us.
Why are we always seeking more?
We had a need inside us to be lavishly loved. Our hearts cry out for it.
We long for words, actions, attitudes from others that communicate love, kindness, warmth, and understanding. We long for others to place high value on us.
There is a problem, though. People are flawed. We can’t find anyone who can love us perfectly. No one can be our all in all.
So, what can we do?
Who will love us?
We Already Are Loved
Maybe we need to stop and look at the TRUTH! We ALREADY are loved! We are loved lavishly, amazingly, triumphantly.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God loves us with an everlasting love. His heart is for us! He blesses us. He builds us up.

Jesus showed His love by coming to earth and revealing God by His words, actions, attitudes, and facial expressions. He healed, He taught Truth, He did miracles, He made lame folks walk, He made blind eyes see, He explained the difficult things about life and love.
Jesus showed His love to you 2,000 years ago by taking all of the sins you and I (and everyone else) committed and chose to be punished on the cross for them. Now, if we are IN Christ, our sins are already punished! When Jesus rose from the dead, He conquered death and sin forever!
Once we give our hearts and lives to Jesus, we are IN Christ and He lavishes us with love, forgiveness, and mercy. Our old lives are washed away and we are made brand new inside.
He answers our prayers, heals our diseases, comforts us, strengthens us, encourages us, leads us, guides us, counsels us.
He loves us so much that He sings over us.
We are His little lambs, the sheep of His flock. He leads us tenderly. He protects us.
While those people in our lives who love us are not perfect, Jesus is perfect. He never fails, never gives up, never stops loving us. He is always faithful.
So, next time you feel yourself longing to be loved, remind yourself that you already are loved! You are loved!

Position Yourself To Experience His Love
Sometimes, we just need to position ourselves to be loved. We are so busy living our lives, we need to stop and incline our ears. Open the Bible and read about His love. I love to read all His promises and highlight them in pink! They make me feel so loved!
We can also position ourselves to experience his love by spending time with other people who love Him. They can encourage us and remind us that we are loved!
Be blessed with a fresh new experience of God’s LOVE! And don’t forget that you are lavishly loved!
Meredith Curtis
Learn more about Jesus here.
Learn more about the Gospel here.