Today I want you to meet one of my personal heroes. She devoted her life to her husband, children, home, and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Edith Schaeffer, a twentieth century heroine for Christ, wrote two of my favorite books: L’Abri and The Hidden Art of Homemaking. I love her style, her love for Jesus, and her wisdom. She was one smart lady.
Edith Seville Schaeffer (1914-2013) was born in Wenzhou, China to missionary parents who worked with China Inland Mission. Her Chinese name, given to her by her parents, was Mei Fuh, or “Beautiful Happiness.”
Defending the Faith
Years later, while Edith was in college, she was attending her Presbyterian Church when a visiting Unitarian pastor gave a sermon against Jesus, the deity of Christ, and the Bible. She was outraged and prepared to set him straight publicly.
Before she could speak, another young man stood up and said, “My name is Frances Schaeffer and I Know Jesus is the Son of God.” The young man shared his testimony and gave clear evidence for why the Bible is trustworthy. Edith added more to his statement, defending the faith. The couple got married three years later.
Her Husband Goes to Seminary
While Frances was in seminary, Edith sewed wedding gowns and men’s suits to bring in extra money.
After graduation, Edith pastored alongside her husband for three years.
Concern for Liberal Theology
A growing concern for the invading liberalism invading mainline denominations rose in their hearts. The years after World War II were fraught with turmoil, confusion, liberal theology, and doubt. Francis and Edith went to Switzerland as missionaries and founded L’Abri Fellowship, a place to learn about the grace and truth found in Christ.

New Home L’Abri (Shelter)
L’Abri was not a building, a club, or an organization. It was their home. They welcomed people into their home to discover Truth and Love in Christ in a time when the world was turning upside down with drug use, divorce, immorality, and corruption.
Young people from around the world found a shelter from the storms of life.
More than that, visitors met Jesus Christ, the True and Living Word. They found answers in Scripture for life’s problems. Even notables such as Timothy Leary and Eric Clapton visited L’Abri along with hippies, hikers, and searchers.
Mother & Homemaker
God blessed Edith and Frances with four children: Priscilla, Susan, Deborah, and Frankie. Their daughters all grew up to serve alongside their parents in the L’Abri ministry.
Edith took great delight in homemaking. She loved to bring loveliness to her home, table settings, food, teatime, and garden.
An avid reader, she loved to read classic books aloud to her children. She delighted in beauty, whether it was hanging in an art museum, spilling out from a song, or in the backyard.
She believed that we are created in the image of the Ultimate Artist, the perfect Creator of Loveliness in all ways.

An enchanting hostess, Edith entertained her house guests like they were royalty, serving them homemade goodies and hearty food, making them feel at home.
She extended love and kindness in all her
conversations so that people felt secure and safe.
Writer & Speaker
Like her husband, Edith was a heavyweight intellectual who
was not afraid to answer the tough questions about faith in Jesus and the
Bible. Also, like her husband, Edith was a gifted writer and speaker. These
conservative theologians and philosophers were a strong voice for Christian
worldview and apologetics in the 20th Century.
At the end of her life, she longed for Heaven and spoke often
of it as a real place that was her true home.
Learn More about Edith
You can learn more about Edith’s life and ministry by reading two of her books: L’Abri and The Tapestry: The Life and Times of Frances and Edith Schaeffer.
You might enjoy one of her wonderful books:
- The Hidden Art of Homemaking
- What is a Family, Christianity is Jewish
- Affliction
- Common Sense Christian Living
- The Art of Life
- Forever Music
- and more!

Legacy of Edith Schaeffer
Edith elevated the role of women in the Kingdom of God by showing how being a wife, mother, homemaker, and hostess can extend the Kingdom of God in a powerful way!
Though she was an amazing speaker and writer, she embraced God’s precious call to being a woman who served her family being busy at home according to Titus 2:3-5.
Edith fulfilled the Great Commission in a powerful way!
Celebrate God’s Heroes!
Edith Schaeffer is just one of the many Christians heroes we can celebrate!
What a joy to pass down our Christian heritage to our children. Tell their stories to the next generation by reading aloud biographies, watching movies, or throwing a Heroes for Jesus Party.

Heroes for Jesus Party
We want to pass down our Christian heritage to our children. We love to tell their stories to the next generation by reading aloud biographies, watching movies, or throwing a Heroes for Jesus Party.
You can host your own Heroes for Jesus Party with easy instructions from Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes where you can discover how our family celebrates Christian heroes, some great ideas for Halloween alternatives, and why children and teens need super-heroes.
Finally, we include autumn recipes to serve during or after the party. Enjoy! Purchase Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes eBook at PowerlineProd. Purchase Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes in print at Amazon.
Edith Schaeffer is just one of the many Super-Heroes God has used to change the world. God has a plan for you, too, and your family! Inspire them with Christian heroes!
In addition, there are monologues/dialogues for over 40 Christian heroes with costumes suggestions and game ideas for the Heroes for Jesus Party.
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling & Happy Celebrating!
For His Glory,
Meredith Curtis