Amy Carmichael is a super-hero! She left her home in Ireland to minister to children in India who desperately needed Jesus!
Her dear “Lotus Buds of Dohnavur” called her “Amma” which means mother in India. Amy Carmichael rescued children from miserable lives as slaves in Hindu temples, living each day to serve her beloved Savior and to spread His love around India.
“Lord, please give me blue eyes!”
Amy Carmichael was born into a godly Christian home in Ireland. But she wasn’t completely happy. You see, she wanted blue eyes, but no matter how hard she prayed, those brown eyes would not go away. Years later, as she moved throughout the nation of India rescuing children, she would be grateful for her brown eyes. Blue eyes would have made it hard to hide herself in the crowd.

Amy had a life-changing event with Jesus when she was fifteen and from that time on, a passion burned within her soul to reach the lost and stir believers to greater passion for Christ. She started Bible studies for mill worker girls.
Harder than Leaving Home
She responded to God’s call to go to the mission field, serving first in Japan and later in India. Her greatest sacrifice was not in going to those nations, nor in the dangerous job of rescuing Indian girls. Her greatest sacrifice was choosing to endure the insults, loneliness, frequent cold, undying heat, and hunger without complaint.
Amy had left a loving family behind and gave up all chance of being a traditional wife and mother. In return, the Lord gave her an enormous family made up entirely of Indian believers that she had led to Christ.

Our Takeaway
Every day, we have an opportunity to give up our desires and needs to the Lord and trust Him to provide for us in His way, in His time while we enjoy the privilege of being used in mighty ways to extend His Glorious Kingdom.
Amy Carmichael is a favorite “visitor” at our Heroes for Jesus Party. She is such an amazing hero! Her love and sacrifice just blow me away!
There are so many heroes to celebrate! I love teaching my children about heroes and heroines who are sold out for Jesus and have been used by God to change the world.
Celebrate Our Christian Heroes

We want to pass down our Christian heritage to our children. We love to tell their stories to the next generation by reading aloud biographies, watching movies, or throwing a Heroes for Jesus Party.
You can host your own Heroes for Jesus Party with easy instructions from Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes where you can discover how our family celebrates Christian heroes, some great ideas for Halloween alternatives, and why children and teens need super-heroes.
Finally, we include autumn recipes to serve during or after the party. Enjoy! Purchase Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes eBook at PowerlineProd. Purchase Celebrate Our Christian Superheroes in print at Amazon.
Amy Carmichael is just one of the many Super-Heroes God has used to change the world. God has a plan for you, too, and your family! Inspire them with Christian heroes!
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis