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Mother’s Day is a great time to bless homeschool moms who do so much to serve their families!
Go all out and bless mom with breakfast in bed, foot massages, a home-cooked and cleaned-up-after meal she can sit back and enjoy, and her favorite way to relax!

Massage or Spa Day
This is my top recommendation. Most moms love to be pampered and totally relax with pedicures, manicures, and massages. Treat here with a gift card from your local spa or salon.
Other sweet ideas include:
- Love coupons for chores, foot rubs, etc.
- Photo of children
- Little skit about mom
- Sing a song or play a song for her
- Breakfast in bed
Here are some more Mother’s Day Gift Ideas:
Journals help you process your thoughts, emotions, and choices through writing. Nothing is more helpful than to go back through your journals and read them again. For Christians, journals can be a place to record insights into God’s Word, prayers, and blessings. This is a great gift for moms of all ages.
Purchase Ladies Journal at Amazon.
Let’s be honest. A homeschool mom cannot have too many bookshelves! Purchase this bookshelf at Amazon.

File Cabinet
Every homeschool mom wants a file cabinet. If your mom doesn’t haven’t one, you can purchase this file cabinet at Amazon.

Inspirational Books
This classic was written at the end of the 1800s. Hannah shares the secret of a joyous life in Christ! I think we all want this, but few pursue it. This is a book to read over and over again. Purchase The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life at Amazon.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp is my favorite book on parenting ever! I recommend reading this book once a year as long as you are in the trenches of parenting. It is refreshing, inspirational, encouraging, and full of practical wisdom on how to train children to grow up to love Jesus and walk in His ways. This book answered my prayer, “Lord please give me wisdom to parent.” This makes a great Mother’s Day gift!
Purchase Shepherding a Child’s Heart at Amazon.
Change the world for the glory of God starting with your children? A Wise Woman Builds Bible Study has 25 lessons with biblical insights, principles, and practical application. Purchase A Wise Woman Builds Bible Study at Amazon.

When a homemaker makes herself at home in Jesus, she can bring His glorious Presence into her home! From abiding to organization and prayer to interior decorating, the Bible study on homemaking inspires and equips! Purchase Jesus Fill My Heart & Home Bible Study at Amazon.

Cube Shelves & Baskets

Cube shelves holds baskets to store toys and school stuff. I think it’s much prettier than the plastic drawer carts and the baskets are easy to remove. 🙂 🙂 You can purchase this cube shelf at Amazon.
These baskets are bright and cheerful. Also, they are easy to remove from the cube shelving and carry schoolwork somewhere else. 🙂 🙂 You can purchase these Storage Baskets at Amazon.
Sally Clarkson’s Motherhood Books
Sally Clarkson is one of my favorite authors. I discovered her when I read a book on homeschooling she wrote with her husband Clay, Homeschooling the Wholehearted Child. I love her books on motherhood, family, and homeschooling.
All of her books are Christ-centered and encouraging. They point us to Jesus and to His beautiful ways of loving those important people in our lives. Though she tackles the practical, she inspires us to keep our eyes on the eternal and give our time and energy to deposit life in our beloveds. Her books will change your life!
- Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
- The Mom Walk by Sally Clarkson
- The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
- Seasons of a Mother’s Heart by Sally Clarkson

A Cozy Mystery
The bumbling, pure Father Brown knows more about evil than most people. After all, he hears confessions each week. To start your Father Brown adventure, The Complete Father Brown Mysteries has 25 beloved Father Brown stories. Purchase The Complete Father Brown Mysteries at Amazon.
4:50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie begins with Miss Marple’s friend seeing a woman murdered on a passing train. When the train officials can’t find a body or a witness, most people would give up, but Miss Marple knew that her friend Mrs. McGuilicuddy knew what she saw. This is Miss Marple at her best playing the dithering old lady on the outside while on the inside, her steel-trap mind unravels a challenging puzzle.
Purchase 4:50 from Paddington at Amazon.
Meet homeschool Mom Maggie King! If you need to relax, try a cozy mystery. Discover the Kings, a homeschooling family that stumbles across dead bodies under mysterious circumstances. Available at Amazon in print and for your Kindle! You’ll love Maggie King Mysteries! Learn more HERE!

Storage Cabinet
Homeschool Moms love storage space and this cabinet is roomy and ready to hold all her stuff! Purchase Storage Cabinet at Amazon.

Every homeschool mom needs a pair of comfy slippers. Purchase these Women’s Slippers at Amazon.
How-To-Homeschool Books
Don’t forget how-to-homeschool books. Moms like to grow in their chosen career when they are educating their children.
Build a solid biblical foundation to nurture your children’s hearts, minds, and souls. From learning styles to biblical principles of parenting and discipleship, this book covers it! Purchase Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay & Sally Clarkson at Amazon.

Joyful and Successful Homeschooling is for those who want to experience a joyful and successful homeschooling journey. There are no short cuts or easy answers; just honest wisdom and experience from a homeschooling mom of five children who has been homeschooling since 1991.
Purchase Joyful and Successful Homeschooling by Meredith Curtis at Amazon.

I wish you great blessing as you honor homeschool moms and to all the moms out there: Happy Mother’s Day!
Meredith Curtis