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Every season is the perfect season to play games together as a family. Family nights are more fun with a game or two!
Summer vacation on the beach or in the mountains–game nights are perfect. Chilly winter night–games near the fire while you drink hot chocolate. Warm spring evening–play a game together on the picnic table on the deck.
Playing games together results in laughter and jokes, building memories for years to come.
Here are some games we have enjoyed or had recommended to us by other families. These games are perfect for family night, parties, vacation fun, and building memories.I hope you have fun together!

Kings in the Corner
My grandmother still enjoyed a game of Kings in the Corner at the age of 100. There would be four generations playing together. Your family will enjoy this game–it’s like solitaire with a twist
Purchase Kings in the Corner at Amazon.
This is super easy: build lines of tiles by shape or color. Fun for the whole family! Everyone will love this game! You can purchase Quirkle at Amazon.

Match your pictures with the judge’s caption and wait til you hear all the laughter in the room! This is a great family game! You can purchase PicWits! at Amazon.
Classic Clue Game
Time for some vintage fun! Your family will enjoy an old-fashioned Who-Dun-It where they match wits with a murderer (Professor Plum, Mr. Green, Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlett, or Colonel Mustard). Did Mr. Body get killed with a knife, candlestick, rope, lead pipe, wrench, or gun? And which room was he killed in? The game board is a mansion with different rooms to visit. This is a great fun for ages 8 and up.
Purchase this Classic Clue Game at Amazon.

This game is a ton of fun and actually teaches math concepts–don’t tell the kids! Roll the dice and total up your points. Are you going for Five of a Kind, Full House, Threes, Fours, or Yahtzee?
Purchase Yahtzee (the classic version) at Amazon.
Hands down my favorite game! There is guessing, shrieking, and lots of interaction in this fast-paced game! You can purchase Hedbanz at Amazon.

Fun for the whole family and requires some strategy. The goal is to get 5 in a row! You can purchase Sequence at Amazon.
You don’t have to be a musical family, but you do have to love songs and singing because you sing in this song. I love it! Our family has a blast with this game! You can purchase Spontuneous at Amazon.
Jenga always makes me nervous, but everyone else loves it! This simple game will have the whole family holding their breathe one minutes and laughing hysterically the next! You can purchase Jenga at Amazon.

Family Scavenger Hunt
Get everyone off the couch and out of the recliner seeking thing to complete the scavenger hunt. This is an active game for all ages! You can purchase Family Scavenger Hunt at Amazon.
What Do You Meme? Family Edition
Which member of your family can create the funniest meme? This game is hilarious fun! You can purchase What Do You Meme? Family Edition at Amazon.
Taboo Kids vs. Parents
Are you ready for a big competition? The fun of Taboo is expanded to include a competition between parents and children! You can purchase Taboo at Amazon.
Scrabble Deluxe
My mom and grandmother were great scrabble players! Scrabble is not only fun, but educational for the whole family. Grab a dictionary and sit down around the table to compete in the world of words. You can purchase Scrabble Deluxe at Amazon.

Scrabble Junior
There are two sides to the game board: an easier side where players match letters and a harder side where they make up their own words. This is a great game for the younger members of a Scrabble family! You can purchase Scrabble at Amazon.
HiHo Cherrio
Another great game for the younger set! I played this as a youngster and it’s just as fun and cute as it was back then! You can purchase Hi Ho Cherry-O at Amazon.
Blank Slate
Everyone writes a word down to complete a thought. Then find out if you can read each others’ minds. What fun! You can purchase Blank Slate at Amazon.
Those are just a handful of games that you and your family will enjoy playing together! Laughing and playing a game is a great way to strengthen family relationships!
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis