Looking for something to listen to while you wrap presents or run your errands during the holiday hustle and bustle.
We’ve got you covered!
For years we have shared an inspirational message at Christmas to help you make the holiday meaningful and festive for you and your children.
Here are some of our favorites!
When All Hope is Gone: The Story of Zechariah & Elizabeth
Journey back in time to meet a godly priest and his wife who faced a lifetime of disappointment. Discover how their story fits in with the Christmas story and why Luke includes it in his Gospel. Their strategic role in the Kingdom of God changed history. Listen HERE!

Investigate the Mystery of Christmas
Put on your detective hat and solve a mystery! Tour the Old Testament looking for clues that point to a spectacular event in Bethlehem! Are you ready to investigate the Mystery of Mysteries? Listen HERE!

Christmas Around the World
Discover Christmas celebrations & traditions from Germany, Mexico, England, Bethlehem, South Korea, and the Philippines. Learn about each nation, make a flag ornament or banner, and try out one Christmas tradition from each country. Listen HERE!

Why We Love Hallmark Christmas Movies
Why do we love Hallmark Christmas movies? They are so satisfying to watch because the things we love about Hallmark movies are related to deeper desires that are in our hearts. Meredith encourages you to explore the miracle of Christmas, different from the intangible “spirit of Christmas” in Hallmark movies, so that you can experience full, abundant life this Christmas and every day that follows. Listen HERE!
Celebrate Jesus on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
Make Jesus preeminent on what can be the busiest day of the year. With honesty and embarrassment, Meredith shares lessons she has learned about exhausting herself creating the perfect day instead of celebrating a birthday. Glean some simple lessons about focus and intentional living to make your Christmas all about Jesus. Listen HERE!

Happy Birthday, Creator-King!
Meredith Curtis talks about birthdays and what makes birthdays special for the birthday person, the family, and the guests. How does the birthday person want to celebrate? As we celebrate Jesus, our Creator-King’s birthday, we can plan our Christmas celebration as a birthday where Christ is the center of all our plans, rather than an afterthought. If you can grasp these principles as a family, it will change your Christmas celebrations forever to be more festive and joyous than you could ever imagine. Listen HERE!

Create Treasured Memories with a Christmas Unit Study
Meredith Curtis gives you step-by-step instructions to create your own unit study after she shares how unit studies refresh your family for the month of December. Breakaway from the routine with a unit study so you can celebrate Christmas all month long, create memories, make gifts, decorate, and prepare for the holidays while you learn! If you want a Christmas educational and wonder-filled adventure for your family, you will love this podcast! Listen HERE!

Family Traditions to Celebrate, Teach, & Identify
Family traditions are a perfect way to celebrate holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and special days. They also help us to pass on values and give our children a sense of security as a family member. Many celebrations also lend themselves to teaching children family and national history. Where do you start to build family traditions your family will enjoy and keep everything simple and easy? Meredith hears you and she has some simple steps to take to plan your own family traditions. Listen HERE!

Proactive Parenting During the Holidays
We often face parenting challenges over the holidays. How can we overcome them with confidence? Meredith explains the opportunities holiday celebrations provide to parent proactively: instilling values and creating a sense of family identity. Take ground this holiday season to impart wisdom and joy into your precious sons and daughters. You won’t regret it. Listen HERE!

Christmas Eve Traveling Dinner
Meredith Curtis and Laura Nolette share their special Christmas Eve tradition, The Traveling Dinner, how it got started, what they do, where they go, what they eat, and how it has made their Christmas celebration more meaningful. Grab a cup of coffee, hot tea, or spiced cider and let’s talk about this and other festive and Christ-centered traditions that make the season bright and filled with cheer. Listen HERE!

11 Reasons Books Make Great Gifts
Here is remarkable evidence that giving books for Christmas and birthday presents is a super idea and a lifetime investment in those you love. Meredith inspires you to give books and then gives a host of book gift suggestions! Get ready to rock Christmas this year with all kinds of literature, living books, and picture books. Listen HERE!

Start Strong & Finish Well With Christmas Traditions
Meredith shares ways to establish Christmas traditions that work for all ages and will be enjoyed by the whole family now and in the future. She shares specific traditions that her teens loved long after childhood was over. Traditions can be used to celebrate God’s goodness, instill godly character, and refresh our spirits—Meredith puts traditions through that filter. She also shares how to ebb and flow with traditions, as children grow up and have families of their own. Listen HERE!

The Birthday That Cut History in Two
Explore the most significant birth the world has ever experienced. Meredith shares the way God set people, events, and hints in place for 4,000 years to prepare the world for the birth of Jesus. The Lord weaved together an amazing celebrated to welcome Jesus to earth and display His glory. Since His Birth Day, Jesus impacts and continues to impact the world stage in a powerful way. In light of these things, how can we celebrate this Wondrous Birthday and experience the Birthday Gift for all eternity. Listen HERE!