Would you like a 10-day plan for Family Devotions/Fun that will engage all ages and make your Holy Week/Easter celebration meaningful for the whole family?
Each day, I will give you Scripture suggestions, prayer focus, discussion ideas, song/hymn ideas, and fun activities.
Easter is more than brand new frilly dresses and baskets packed with goodies. Easter celebrations remind us of the historical day when Jesus died for our sins, paying our penalty, and 3 days later rose from the dead, conquering death forever and setting us free!
Use Easter week to teach your children about the most important event in history and how it matters to each of them personally.

For centuries liturgical denominations have celebrated Holy Week with special services. Many Christians don’t have special celebrations at their church. If you have special church events, participate with your children. If not or in addition to church family events, try these celebrations so you can let this Easter season be a special time of refreshment to your soul.
Day 1 Saturday Before Palm Sunday
Jesus is anointed at Bethany (Matthew 26:6-13 or John 12:1-9)
- Discuss the place of extravagance in worship. Drive it home with foot rubs.
Prayer focus: thank God for who He is and all He’s done for you.
Worship song suggestion: How Great Thou Art
Family Fun: Decorate for Easter
Day 2 Palm Sunday
Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21:1-13 or John 12:12-19)
- Discuss “Hosanna”—a cry of praise that means “Help!” or “Please save me!”. Drive it home with a parade around the yard or neighborhood singing.
Prayer focus: things you need God to help with
Worship song suggestion: All Glory, Laud, & Honor
Family Fun: Watch a movie about the life of Jesus
- The Chosen (TV series)
- The Gospel of John
- Jesus
- The Greatest Story Ever Told
- Jesus of Nazareth
- The Miracle Maker

Day 3 Monday
Jesus cleanses the temple (Matthew 21:12-17 or Mark 11:15-19)
- Discuss what Jesus was cleaning out—the greed/idoltry. Drive it home by pulling out the refrigerator and cleaning behind it.
Prayer focus: purity
Worship song suggestion: A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Family Fun: Color Easter Eggs together
Day 4 Tuesday
The Plot to Kill Jesus (Matthew 26:3-5 or John 11:45-57)
- Discuss the the plot the Jewish leaders were hatching. Drive it home with creating your own plot together. Maybe you can “trick” another family into joining you for dinner.
Prayer focus: pray for freedom from the plots of satan in our world today: sexual immorality, abortion, liberal theology, atheism, and others.
Worship song suggestion: Fairest Lord Jesus
Family Fun: have a Treasure Hunt or invite a family over for dinner
Day 5 Wednesday
Passover Feast/Last Supper (Exodus 12:1-36, Matthew 26:17-19 or John 13, I Corinthians 11:23-25)
- Discuss how the Passover Feast was fulfilled in Christ. Drive it home with a Christian Seder Meal or family communion.
Prayer focus: greater desire to serve others
Worship song suggestion: Let Us Break Bread Together
Family Fun: Holy Week symbolic eggs
Day 6 Thursday
Garden/Betrayal/Arrest (Matthew 26:36-56 or John 15:1-18:14)
- Discuss the focus of Jesus prayer in the Garden (John 17). Drive it home with trying to stay up and pray as late as you can. Who stayed awake the longest?
Prayer focus: bless people who have hurt you in the past
Worship song suggestion: In the Garden
Family Fun: Fill Out a Map of Jerusalem. Label where Jesus spent the last week of His life.

Day 7 Good Friday
Jesus’ Trial, Torture, & Death, Peter’s Denial, Judas’ Suicide (Matthew 26:57-27:50 or John 18:12-19:30)
- Discuss what Jesus’ betray, arrest, beating, mocking, agony, and death show us about the holiness of God / His punishment of sin. Drive it home by having devotion time at 3 p.m., the hour He died. Also write past sins on pieces of paper and nail them to a wooden cross.
Prayer focus: forgiveness
Worship song suggestion: The Old Rugged Cross
Family Fun: make & eat Hot Cross Buns (the cross on the top symbolizes the cross of Jesus)
Day 8 Saturday before Easter
Supernatural Events as Jesus Died & Christ’s Burial (Matthew 27:45, 51-66 or John 19:25-42)
- Discuss the last 7 phrases of Jesus. Drive it home by talking about what you would want to communicate before you die.
Prayer focus: freedom from sin
Worship song suggestion: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Family Fun: prepare for tomorrow’s celebration
Day 9 Easter Sunday
Resurrection! (Matthew 28:1-15 or John 20:1-18)
- Discuss how each person responded on that first Resurrection Sunday. Drive it home with each person taking an empty egg, going outside, and filling it with something to represent new life.
Prayer focus: thanking God for His Resurrection!
Worship song suggestion: Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Family Fun: Act out the Resurrection
Day 10: Monday after Easter
The Power of the Resurrection (I Corinthians 15:12-28 and 35-58 or Ephesians 1:15-22 and Philippians 3)
- Discuss the power that raised Jesus from the dead. Drive it home by reading with a 25-watt bulb and a 100-watt bulb. Power makes a difference.
Prayer focus: more Resurrection power in our lives!
Worship song suggestion: Heaven Came Down
Family Fun: make Candles out of old crayons.

Have a blessed Easter season!
Meredith Curtis