I want to raise leaders who impact the world for the glory of God. When I talk about leadership, I often substitute word “influencer”—I use these words interchangeably because a leader influences people. Not every influencer is a CEO, politician, or famous author. Parents influence their children, pastors lead their congregations, and teachers change…
Do you want to take the stress out of record keeping and grading? C’mon. Let’s talk about a simple way to keep track of papers, assignments, grades, and tracking credits. It’s an all-in-one, easy-peasy way to homeschool high school. The Fabulous Folder Method All you need is a 3-prong, 2-pocket folder for each class! Each…
The world needs confident men and women of integrity who will lead in their homes, churches, communities, and nations. If you are raising a natural-born leader, make sure to train them to be a godly leader.
To be honest, I just thought it would be an exciting way to learn creative writing. However, the benefits amazed me. Writing your own literature gives you such a depth of understanding literature. In addition, creative writing is a completely different kind of writing than high school students usually do. I was blown away by…
Train kids for a year or two to help you shop and wrap presents and you will have the most effective little elves this side of the North Pole
My philosophy is to keep things as simple and happy as possible. I want life to be enjoyable for the children and for me. Learning is fun! Even in high school.
While I laughed as i overheard a group of teens talking about how fun it would be to move out, I wanted to interject: “Don’t you realize how expensive it is to live on your own?” Maybe I should show them!
Are you worried about your teens spending too much screen time? Do you want to help your teens build healthy habits? Exercise is a big part of staying healthy from birth to old age. How can you help homeschooled teens to be active?
Acne is one of the challenges of puberty. It can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Unfortunately, it can also cause emotional trauma for some teenagers.
Don’t just shove a bunch of classes at them. Choose courses that will benefit them for life and lay a solid educational foundation if they will be going on to college.