Just south of Daytona Beach, Ponce Inlet is home to Florida’s tallest lighthouse. It’s 175 feet tall! Climbing to the top up the 203 steps is quite a workout, but the view is magnificent.
Gardening is really popular right now. Are you a Mom who loves to garden? Show these gift ideas to your family! Is your mom an avid gardener? Here are some great ideas for Mother’s Day giving!
The British Museum, dedicated to human history, art, and culture, is located in London. British archaeologists have brought back treasures from all over the world to England. This massive building contains a fascinating collection of artifacts, statues, books, manuscripts, coins, metals, and so much more. You can see all these treasures at the British Museum.
September 6 is National Read-A-Book-Day – a great day to celebrate! I love reading and have a massive collection of books, so this is a holiday near and dear to my heart. It’s also a great holiday for homeschoolers to celebrate. After all, we love books!
If you are teaching geography this year, start right in your neighborhood with landforms, fauna (animals), flora (plants), and climate/weather. If you are on break or not teaching geography this year, whet your children’s appetite for geography by observing and exploring the geography all around you.
Hurricanes are just part of living in Florida. We get a little concerned when a big one is coming our way, but we don’t worry. We know the drill. Get your supplies. Batten down the hatches and settle in to ride out the storm or evacuate if needed.
The last few years we’ve seen history in the making! Should Jesus tarry, one day our children will tell their grandchildren about these times. It dawned on me that this is a wonderful year to do a time capsule.
Like millions around the world, I’m a chocolate lover. I love milk chocolate, white chocolate, and hot chocolate. Chocolate comes from the cocoa plant. Native to Central and North America, most cocoa plants grow in Africa today.
Looking for something to listen to while you wrap presents or run your errands during the holiday hustle and bustle. We’ve got you covered!
God has a unique way of bringing beauty from ashes. When the horrid COVID lockdown hit Florida in 2020, like many churches, we were forced to livestream our services. One major difficulty we immediately discovered was that the children were becoming disengaged and pulling sweet mom and dad from the service (aka their laptops).