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Bring Holy Week & Easter Alive with Online Videos

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It’s Easter week and you want to do something inspirational with your kids, but you are busy and exhausted.

Don’t worry. I’ve gathered together some videos for the whole family that will bring this special week alive for everyone!

Starting with Drive Thru History’s episode on Palm Sunday and ending with the Resurrection for kids from Superbook, you will be inspired and maybe just learn something new as well!

Happy Easter to all!

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday to Last Supper for Kids

Follow Jesus through Jerusalem from Upper Room to the Resurrection

In the Garden

Where did Jesus die?

Golgotha & Garden Tomb–Another Possibility

The Crucifixion of Jesus with Psalm 22

The Resurrection

Movie Scenes of the Resurrection

So Who is This Jesus?

Well, who is this Jesus that loves us enough to give His life to pay the penalty we deserve to pay for our sin? He’s amazing! And who is this Jesus that is so powerful that He took His life back up conquering death, conquering the grave, conquering sin FOREVER!?

Jesus is the One who loves you best and always will. You can repent and believe in Him! To learn more, visit The Good News! God bless you and Happy Easter!

Celebrate Easter Family Devotions

Dig into the Word of God this year using our family devotions. The last week of Jesus’ life is filled with adventure, joy, and sorrow. Let the story wash over you once again as you and your family reads the Bible, pray, sings hymns and songs, and celebrates with a hands-on activities, crafts, and recipes.

Celebrate Easter Devotions start the Saturday before Psalm Sunday and follow the last week of Jesus’ life step by step. However, these devotions don’t end on Easter Sunday. The following week looks at his post-Resurrection days and final ascension. Be reminded this season of the Resurrection Power of Jesus available to His people today.

Purchase Celebrate Easter Devotions digital here at PowerlineProd or print at Amazon. (Both digital and print are in full color)


Meredith Curtis

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