I designed my own curriculum for high school English based on lists of classic literature, life skills to acquire, and writing projects to enjoy. Literature and writing are two of my favorite subjects to teach and all my children have come to love them, too!

The British Museum, dedicated to human history, art, and culture, is located in London. British archaeologists have brought back treasures from all over the world to England. This massive building contains a fascinating collection of artifacts, statues, books, manuscripts, coins, metals, and so much more. You can see all these treasures at the British Museum.

It all started with the Byzantine Empire. I was teaching a class online. I wanted to make a mosaic with the children. Each of us working on our own mosaic right on Zoom. After all the religious Byzantines are famous for their beautiful mosaics of scenes from Scripture inside their gorgeous churches.

September 6 is National Read-A-Book-Day – a great day to celebrate! I love reading and have a massive collection of books, so this is a holiday near and dear to my heart. It’s also a great holiday for homeschoolers to celebrate. After all, we love books!

Are you ready to learn about the sea turtle life cycle? This engaging mini-unit has interesting facts, a fun craft, and some videos you’ll love!

Before I started homeschooling, I read several books but none of them mentioned the shocking fruit of homeschooling: piles of papers, thousands of books, art supplies, completed projects with no place to live, and mess everywhere. Even having a homeschool room didn’t seem to help me get everything organized.

What could be more fun on a summer evening than catching fireflies, stargazing, or playing flashlight tag? How about a backyard movie night?

If you are teaching geography this year, start right in your neighborhood with landforms, fauna (animals), flora (plants), and climate/weather. If you are on break or not teaching geography this year, whet your children’s appetite for geography by observing and exploring the geography all around you.

Are teaching astronomy this year? Do you want the kids to really enjoy it! Do you have a little astronaut running around your house or a star gazer who pours over astronomy books?

Hurricanes are just part of living in Florida. We get a little concerned when a big one is coming our way, but we don’t worry. We know the drill. Get your supplies. Batten down the hatches and settle in to ride out the storm or evacuate if needed.