Fall is a great time for family fun! So grab your jackets and let’s enjoy the season of falling leaves and pumpkin spice.

It’s back to school time you realize as you head through the grocery stores and see all the bins filled with school supplies on sale. Homeschooling moms need a cheat sheet to remember what they need for back-to-school in their own home school this year.

There are so many different ways to teach children about our amazing 50 states that make up the USA. You can blaze a new trail in your studies or come at it from a different angle. Here are some creative ways to discover our Fifty-Nifty United States.

Disclosure: This blog post may contain affiliate links from my participation in the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase using my link. My ancestors lived in the American colonies, but they stayed loyal to the king of England. How…

My philosophy is to keep things as simple and happy as possible. I want life to be enjoyable for the children and for me. Learning is fun! Even in high school.

While I laughed as i overheard a group of teens talking about how fun it would be to move out, I wanted to interject: “Don’t you realize how expensive it is to live on your own?” Maybe I should show them!

Are you worried about your teens spending too much screen time? Do you want to help your teens build healthy habits? Exercise is a big part of staying healthy from birth to old age. How can you help homeschooled teens to be active?

Acne is one of the challenges of puberty. It can cover the face, neck, chest, and back. Unfortunately, it can also cause emotional trauma for some teenagers.

Don’t just shove a bunch of classes at them. Choose courses that will benefit them for life and lay a solid educational foundation if they will be going on to college.

You put in love and time educating your children at home year after year with that goal in mind: Graduation! Mike and I had to ask the question, “What does graduation mean to us as a family?” When we turned the tassel and handed over the diploma–what was that all about? What accomplishments and requirements…