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What’s the big deal about archaeology? Well, it shapes so much of what we know about Ancient History and Ancient Peoples.
We like to take a rabbit trail and investigate archaeology when we study Ancient History.
However, don’t just add on archaeology to Ancient History. Archaeology is a blast to study by itself!
One thing our family really enjoys is learning about archaeological sites that are mentioned in the Bible. Archaeologists have uncovered ancient cities like Shiloh, Niveveh, Ur, Shechem, Joppa, Ephesus, and Dan. There is so much to learn about discoveries and how they confirm the biblical record.

Our Own Archaeological Dig!
When we study archaeology, we talk about tells, dig sites, and tools used to unearth artifacts. We have enjoyed creating our own dig site and unearthing treasures. First, we create artifacts from different civilizations. We dig a large hole and layer the artifacts from oldest to newest. You can learn all about our archaeological digs in Let’s Have Our Own Archaeological Dig.
Our favorite archaeologist: David Down. He is amazing and we have read his books and watched his videos over and over.
I’m excited to share our family’s favorite archaeology resources with you. Please share your favorites in the comments at the end of the post.
The Archaeology Book
The Archaeology Book By David Down is a great read aloud for the whole family fully of glossy photographs and all kinds of neat information. This is a book we go back to over and over. This covers the basics of archaeology from a Christian worldview.

Unwrapping the Pharaohs
Unwrapping the Pharaohs: How Egyptian Archaeology Confirms the Biblical Timeline by John Ashton & David Down is another amazing book filled with glossy photographs and informative charts. This book goes quite in-depth. I recommend it for advanced middle-schoolers, high schoolers, and adults. It comes with a DVD that the whole family will enjoy, though you will lose young children at points. This is a great look at Egyptian chronology and how historians are reworking dates which brings the dates in line with Scripture.

Let’s Have Our Own Archaeological Dig
Let’s Have Our Own Archaeology Dig by Meredith Curtis is a fun way to learn about archaeology with hands-on fun and real life learning. I mentioned earlier that we create our own artifacts and then layer them by date. Finally, there is the day of the dig where we head out to our very own tell!

David Down’s Digging Up the Past Videos
You can find 26 of David Down’s archaeology videos on YouTube. I am sorry to tell you that the quality is not great, but it is worth plugging ahead to watch these videos filmed on archaeological sites around the world. Watching the videos is free on YouTube at New You Ministry. Find David Down’s Digging Up the Past Videos HERE! This is a great way to learn about archaeology and The Bible.
Exploring Ancient Cities & The Bible
Exploring Ancient Cities of the Bible by Michael Carroll is a fascinating look at cities mentioned in the Bible. I love the illustrations in this book!

Unveiling the Kings of Israel
Unveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible’s Archaeological History by David Down takes a look at biblical history through the lens of archaeology. Fascinating!

Ancient History Cookbook
Archaeology studies lead us to Ancient History studies so explore Ancient History by cooking your way through time from Creation to the time of Jesus with Ancient History Cookbook by Meredith Curtis.

Ancient History Timeline
Archaeology studies lead us to Ancient History studies so dig into Ancient History with Ancient History Timeline with Timeline Figures by Meredith Curtis, a great way to get a bird’s eye view of Ancient History from Creation to the time of Jesus.

I hope your family enjoys these resources as much as we have!
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis