Before there was Powerline Productions, there were two women who were on their own homeschooling journeys. They met at church and became good friends. In fact, their families started going to the beach, eating at Cici’s after church, and homeschooling together. Soon, Meredith and Laura were on a homeschool adventure with their nine children!
Early on, Laura confessed that she felted called by God to homeschool, but she didn’t really enjoy it. Meredith started praying for her, and she felt like the Lord gave her an idea. She encouraged Laura to read classic literature that she missed out on growing up because her family had to move so often with the military. She read Little Women first, followed by a host of novels. It restored her love of reading!
But it did something else too. It stirred up a deep love of learning and teaching her children. From that moment on, Laura loved homeschooling!
Although Meredith had a degree in nursing, she didn’t like teaching science. Lo and behold, Laura loved teaching science. She was willing to do all those experiments that Meredith knew in her heart were the best way to learn, but didn’t want to do them.
Team work makes the dream work!
The two friends had one more thing in common: They both were willing to risk it all and try new things. So what if they had never acted in a play. They would teach a drama class! All right, so they didn’t know much about England, but they were curious, so they would learn with their children on a year-long United Kingdom unit study.
They came up with an idea to get their husbands more interested in homeschooling: FOOD! It started the year of the geography co-op.
One time, Meredith decided to make the Hundred Years’ War between France and England come alive with smoke on the battlefield from the brand-new guns. The plan went awry and, with an explosion in the kitchen, well, let’s just say, co-op was canceled that day.
Although all their children have graduated and are busy adulting, Meredith and Laura loved homeschooling so much they still lead their homeschool co-op.
Team work makes the dream work!
Over the years, they have created unit studies, lapbooks, workbooks, high school courses using living books, and even textbooks for teaching their own children. More and more, people wanted to buy copies of their products and, as a result, a company was born!
We offer ourselves to you as older moms who have been in the trenches with our own children and now want to invest in the next generation of homeschool parents. We would love to be part of your team in any way we can help. We will cheer you on, inspire you, and provide invaluable free resources through our blogs, podcasts, and freebies.
Through Powerline Productions, we also sell conversational textbooks, unit studies, lapbooks, hands-on learning projects, timelines, cookbooks, Bible studies, one-credit high school courses, how-to-homeschool books, and celebrate holiday books. If you want to enjoy the homeschool lifestyle of learning, you will love our homeschool resources.
We have encouraged so many moms with homeschooling high school that we started a conference in 2009 called Finish Well to equip homeschooled teens and their parents. For seven years, along with an amazing team, we held the yearly conference inspiring families to homeschool high school to the Glory of God and provided practical tips to make life easier for the whole family.
When it comes to our ministry/business, teamwork makes the dream work!