HIS Story of the 20th Century High School Workbook was created for high school students to go along with HIS Story of the 20th Century, a world history textbook that covers the 20th Century decade by decade.
HIS Story of the 20th Century High School Workbook includes:
- Timeline pages
- Timeline rigures
- Comprehension questions for each chapter
- Writing assignments
- Map work
- Research projects
- Family trees
- Hands-On fun
- Design projects
- Radio Shows
- History Labs (like Splatter Painting, Skyscrapers, Sock Hop)
- Living books list for recreational reading
- Movies list to watch decade by decade
- TV shows list to watch decade by decade
- Games to play
- Sports to watch and play
- Music suggestions to listen to
Students will…
- Answer Questions
- Create a timeline
- Make family trees
- Map
- Read living books
- Create a radio show
- Learn the Charleston
- Set up a Gran Prix
- Design an airport
- Create an airline
- Set up a backyard mini-golf course
- Explore Route 66
- Tie-dye
- Play sports
- Interview someone from a Communist country
- Design an amusement park
Please listen to music from each decade. Consider dressing up and making popular dishes from the decade too—it just makes learning more fun!
You will need to purchase, borrow from the library, or download the following books:
- Kim by Rudyard Kipling
- The Singing Tree by Kate Seredy
- Cheaper by the Dozen by Franck Gilbreath, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreath Carey
- Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
- Vienna Prelude by Brodie & Brock Thoene
- The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson and John & Elizabeth Sherrill
- The Peace Child by Don Richardson
- Born Again by Charles Colson
- No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green
- 41: A Portrait of My Father by President George W. Bush
Use HIS Story of the 20th Century and HIS Story of the 20th Century High School Workbook together for a one-credit high school world history course.
An Answer Key is Available
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