Homeschooling since 1991, I have read many government textbooks! While many were excellent, they didn’t have everything I was looking for, so I wrote my own government textbook/unit study/notebook.
You have 1 week left to save tons of money at Powerline Production’s Back-to-School Sale! All kinds of curriculum and resources to enrich your Homeschooling Adventure with fun, academic excellence,…
Institute for Excellence in Writing® is impressive so I was delighted to review IEW’s Structure and Style® for Students Year 1 Level A (Grades 3-5). I reviewed the Student…
Let me tell you a story about a brave hero and heroine that you know.
I love exploring my home state of Florida so I was super-excited to review the Make-A-State Activity-Pak from Home School in the Woods, one of my favorite publishers. Family-friendly and…
We kicked off our brand new year of homeschool co-op with an exciting adventure. We made passports, took a plane ride around the world, and learned about the 10/40 window.