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Real Men 101: Godly Manhood


In contrast to the feminist culture we are surrounded with, our heart is to raise REAL MEN who are world changers! These men are not afraid to lead their homes, churches, and nation! These men are surrendered to God in all areas of their lives: purity, servanthood, love, self-control, and disciplines.

But how do we do that? Real Men 101: Godly Manhood, a one-credit high school Bible/life skills course, was created to lay a solid foundation in a young man’s life in the context of a mentoring relationship with Dad. Guys will meet weekly with Dad to discuss material in the course and learn practical household/car/lawn skills. Guys will read living books that will challenge them to press in closer to Jesus and grow up in their relationship with God, memorize Scripture, do Word studies, write an essay, create booklets on Christian living for children, learn practical skills for leading their future home, and enjoy hands-on projects. Real Men 101: Godly Manhood can also be used effectively in a group, or homeschool co-op setting.


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One of the blessings of Real Men 101: Godly Manhood is the way it fosters a closer relationship between father and son. Fathers are able to pass on wisdom and practical skills inside a mentoring relationship. I see the fruit of this course in my adult son and other young men who have taken this course. We desperately need fathers to pour into their sons in this day and age. If a father is not available, another man can fill in. This course can even work in a group setting.

Real Men 101: Godly Manhood also works in a homeschool co-op setting and there is a similar course for young women, God’s Girls 101: Grow in Christ. We have actually used this is a group setting with a man and woman teaching together. Sometimes the girls and guys were together and sometimes separated.

Okay, on to the practical. Here’s what your son will learn in this one-credit Bible/life skills course.

Your sons will…

  • Memorize Titus 1:5-9
  • Do a Word Study on Thanks, Thankfulness. Define the “Secret of Contentment”
  • Read all Books and Fill Out Book Reviews for Books Read
  • Make a Booklet for Young People (age 6-10) on “How to Have a Daily Quiet Time”
  • Write a Paragraph: “The Secret of Contentment
  • Make a Booklet for Young People (age 6-10) on the “Foundations of the Faith:  Prayer, Worship, Bible, Fellowship, and Witnessing”
  • Examine your Technology Usage and Make Plans for Needed Changes
  • Study Scriptural Qualifications for Elders and Deacons in I Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9. List the qualifications in chart. Fill in chart, evaluating self.  Discuss with parents
  • Look at the List of Leadership Qualifications from I Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9.  Examine yourself and discover how you can grow in these traits. Observe the godly men around you and list ways you can learn from them.
  • Make a List of Men in the Bible who are Examples of Godly Manhood
  • Complete a Personal Bible Study on Jesus as a Servant. Share with Mom & Dad the Passages you Find and Things that God Shows you
  • Keep a Food and Exercise Log for One Week
  • Workout with Dad
  • Role-Play Diffusing Anger
  • Fill out “Seven Self-Evaluation Questions for Godly Men”
  • Write an Essay: “Hard Work is a Blessing from God to Me”

Your sons will learn the following practical skills:

  • Put Gas in Car, Check Fluid Levels, Change Spark Plugs
  • Hang a Shelf, Organize Room, Clean Room, Clean Bathrooms, Clean house, including Dusting, Vacuuming, & Mopping
  • Patch holes in Drywall, Check & Change Batteries (including in smoke alarms), Changing a Broken Light Bulb
  • Hang a Picture, Unstop a drain, Unclog a Toilet, Change A/C Filters
  • Re-grout Tile, Refinish a Tabletop, Dresser, or Chair, Paint a Room or Piece of Furniture
  • Build Something with Wood (Bird Feeder, Stool, Coffee Table)
  • Mow the Lawn, Seed a Lawn, Mulch a Bed, Weed a Bed, Trim Trees & Bushes
  • Cook a Meal, Grill, Plan & Host a BBQ

Pastor Mike and Meredith use the Holy Bible and other living books to teach life skills and prepare their teenagers to be joyful and successful adults with healthy relationships. Originally designed for their children, and later for close friends and church members, this course and the entire series uses the mentoring style of teaching. Dads meet once a week for mentoring time with their sons. The goal of this course and the entire series is to prepare teens to live godly lives now and in the future when they are adults working, studying, enjoying marriage, and parenting their own children.

You will need to purchase, borrow, or download the following books:

  • Boyhood and Beyond: Practical Wisdom for Becoming a Man by Bob Schultz
  • From Prison to Praise by Merlin Caruthers
  • Search for Significance by Robert McGee
  • Victory Over Darkness by Neil Anderson
  • Improving Your Serve by Charles Swindoll
  • Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson
  • Created for Work by Bob Schultz
  • Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of God by Josh Harris
  • Optional Books on Prayer for December: This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti or Blink by Ted Dekker


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Real Men 101: Godly Manhood